ExtraOrdinary Intimacy

INTIMACY (Into-Me-I-See)Intimacy is about closeness. Society will have us believe that intimacy is something that can only be shared...

5 Benefits of Mindfulness Communication with Kids

As we enter the challenging world, meeting social, educational, and academic expectations have become the toughest tasks ever. With...

Understanding the Energies Within

To understand the energy within your body and utilizing meditations to improve the well-beings of those energies, we need...

Spiritual Science Applied To Medicine

Spiritual Science Applied To Medicine Anthroposophical medicine is the widely known “professional” name for medicine in Spiritual Science. You may...

Astrology’s Union to Marriage

Let’s start with what Astrology is. Astrology has been defined as the study of the locations and characteristics of...

3 Tips To Win An Argument By Being FIRST

#ExtraOrdinarySeries FIRST At some point in your life you will or will have been in an argument and thought "How...

4,000 Years Between Astrology and Mankind

4,000 Years Between Astrology and Mankind Astrology has been defined as the study of the locations and characteristics of celestial...

Brainwave Meditation

Brainwave Meditation Meditation has been practiced for hundreds of years. Today, with the busy and sometimes agitated modern world we...

A Mindfulness Fight against Child Anxiety and Depression

Neuroscientists have conducted research on the effects of mindfulness training on the adult mind and found that it can...

Benefits and Techniques to Incorporating Mindfulness in Children

Mindfulness is a broad term. It is a state of being aware, attentive, and advert. Mindfulness meditation is a...