CBD Co. Accuses Amazon Sellers Of Stealing Name And TM – Law360

CBD Co. Accuses Amazon Sellers Of Stealing Name And TM – Law360

By Katryna Perera (March 4, 2022, 7:31 PM EST) — CBD company Wellness Brands, which does business as Keoni Sport, has sued several sellers on Amazon, accusing them of trademark infringement for allegedly using the Keoni mark to sell fake CBD gummies that they claim will help with pain and anxiety.

On Friday, Keoni filed its complaint in Kentucky federal court against Tiger Bodi, CN Financial Group Corp., Faber Goods, Nutrix Wholesale and Nutrix International LLC. The complaint asserts counts of trademark infringement, false designation of origin, unfair competition, false advertising, copyright infringement and deceptive trade practices.

According to the complaint, Keoni lawfully sells CBD products, including tincture oils, gummies, capsules…

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