Health care workers speak out about end of COVID insurance program

Health care workers speak out about end of COVID insurance program

METRO ATLANTA — A federal program that helps test for and treat COVID-19 could be coming to an end.

The COVID-19 Uninsured program had been helping those without insurance get the care they need for free.

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Through the program, insurance companies and hospitals would bill the federal government instead of patients, but funding is set to run out on Tuesday.

Recently, the White House released a statement to announce that on March 22, the COVID-19 Uninsured Program will no longer accept insurance claims due to “lack of sufficient funds.”


That news caused health care workers across metro Atlanta to speak out. Many now demand Congress to allocate relief funds so they can take care of those who need COVID help the most.

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Dr. Barbara Jones, a family physician, said funding this program is vital in metro Atlanta.

“It makes me feel really excited that these workers are coming together and saying this is not right. We need funding. We need what we need for COVID,” Jones said.

Watch WSB Tonight at 11 for more about what health care workers say about the program.


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