Home Health Come Out for Health event in Pineville

Come Out for Health event in Pineville

Come Out for Health event in Pineville

PINEVILLE, La. (KALB) -For the second year in a row PFLAG has held the Come Out for Health event in Pineville to help bridge the city with the LGBTQ+ community.

PFLAG is working to make sure that all people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer are not only valued by society, but take pride in and value themselves. PFLAG believes that unconditional love can transform lives and that we must exercise compassion for ourselves and others willing to take the journey toward love and acceptance.

“Our population we have a lot of health disparities because we are one of the diverse populations that have different challenges based on our differences,” says Samantha Stanley, president of PFLAG in Alexandria. “So it’s important that we bring to light these issues, the different disparities that we do have so we can overcome it and grow closer as a community.”

March is the national month awareness for LGBTQ health, but advocates say its goal is to include all people.

For more information on PFLAG you can visit the website at www.pflagalexandria.org.

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