“Barbershop Talk Therapy” Emphasizes Importance of Men’s Mental Health

“Barbershop Talk Therapy” Emphasizes Importance of Men’s Mental Health

Here at Lake Como House of Fades Barbershop, hard topics don’t fade away.

The event was called Barbershop Talk Therapy.

“This particular program is for us to have a conversation in a vulnerable, raw, environment,” said Antonio Igbokidi, a second-year medical student at the TCU School of Medicine.

It’s a passion project for Igbokidi, who was supported by some of his fellow medical student classmates.

“I want to become a psychiatrist. I think that it’s important to be able to have a great mental health so you can have a great physical health because they all are intertwined” said Igbokidi.

There were health screenings offered outside, and free haircuts were held inside the shop.

“It’s a great opportunity to speak up and talk about things,” said Landter Goodrich of Lake Como House of Fades Barbershop.

Psychiatrist Dr. Brian Dixon led the conversations with the men.

“So many folks especially Black folks and Black men aren’t used to seeing a Black psychiatrist that is in the space. I think them knowing that I’ve been through therapy myself, is incredibly helpful,” said Dr. Brian Dixon, Assistant Professor at the TCU School of Medicine.  

Igbokidi says the community conversations will continue in April in Fort Worth’s historic Stop Six neighborhood.

It’s the next of several events planned to keep the conversation about mental health going.

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