Anxiety, depression? It’s easier than ever to tap mental health help from home

Anxiety, depression? It’s easier than ever to tap mental health help from home

What are signs of anxiety vs. normal anxious emotions?

Someone with anxiety may have physical symptoms along with emotional signs of distress.

People can choose to stop worried thoughts or move on to something different, but people with clinical anxiety do not necessarily have a choice, nor can they control their anxious thoughts.

At what point does someone with anxiety need professional help?

No one can simply get over clinical anxiety. Mental health is not something to be ashamed of and it’s important to get treatment.

How does one access help from home?

If you are unsure about first steps, seek guidance from your primary care provider. In addition, many therapists will do an introductory session.

It takes more than a few visits and best results will be achieved with a minimum of six months of therapy.

Healthline has a list of the top ten online therapists for 2022. In addition, you can find local therapists by visiting Good Therapy,

Source: Dr. Robyn Graham, author of You and Me and Anxiety

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