W.Va. High Court Reaffirms Miner’s Suspension Over CBD Use – Law360

W.Va. High Court Reaffirms Miner’s Suspension Over CBD Use – Law360

By Katryna Perera (May 2, 2022, 7:48 PM EDT) — The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals said the state’s Miners’ Health Safety Office was right to suspend a coal miner after a positive marijuana drug test since state law does not differentiate between CBD and THC in workplace drug testing, so the consumption of a CBD product cannot be used as a legal defense.

The court issued an opinion on April 26, written by West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Justice Tim Armstead. The court did not indicate which justices joined the majority opinion, but said Chief Justice John A. Hutchison and Justice Alan D. Moats, who sat on the…

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