Trouble sleeping? CBD oil could be your key to sleeping soundly.

Trouble sleeping? CBD oil could be your key to sleeping soundly.

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High competitiveness. Achievement. Go go go. These are hallmarks of the Type A personality. However, those hard-charging professional bulldogs can occasionally get so fixated on their tasks and goals that they overlook something important. For many of those burn-the-candle-at-both-ends types, that can often mean sleep suffers.


A healthy seven or eight hours a night may not seem like a big deal. But when you can achieve a regular healthy sleep cycle, experts agree, you’re likely to think more clearly, have a healthier heart, a heartier immune system, and generally enjoy a better mood.


So if you really care about your performance, regulating proper sleep should actually be a top health priority. Whether you suffer from sleep disorders or could just use some help easing into dreamland each night, a dose of one of oHHo’s CBD Oil varieties can do the trick naturally and effectively.


CBD is one of the main cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, but it isn’t psychoactive. Instead, it acts on the user’s endocannabinoid system to help the body maintain stability in regulating the body’s natural circadian rhythms.


Formulations by oHHo offer up pure full-spectrum cannabis extract mixed with organic, ketone-rich MCT oil to help deliver the soothing power of CBD directly before bed. A dropper full under the tongue not only helps users fall asleep faster, sleep through the night, and wake up rested, but the CBD works to help balance out the entire body, calming anxiety and mood, as well as physical ailments like inflammation and common aches and pains.


Not only does oHHo achieve those results with a clean hemp and oil mix, but their oil blends maintain that purity by offering extracts from single farms in some of the richest hemp-growing regions of the country. The full-spectrum CBD tinctures deliver the personality of each area, with the New York blend serving up a natural woody, hoppy, rose and pine tasting experience, while their Vermont mixture embodies tastes like citrus, floral, and even chocolate-tinged notes.


“This product works beautifully,” New York CBD Oil user David said. “You can tell they are using the highest quality ingredients. I wake up feeling brand new.”


Feel the effects of CBD oil for yourself with 20% off your first bottle of oHHo CBD oil with code HILL20 and start getting a better night’s sleep fast.

Prices are subject to change

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