Home Health Spring Health Fair offers free health information, screenings

Spring Health Fair offers free health information, screenings

Spring Health Fair offers free health information, screenings

SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) – Logos Life and Community Church held their first Spring Health Fair on Saturday, April 9.

They offered free health information and screenings for hypertension, diabetes, heart health, breast cancer and more. Pastor Juan Bryant spoke to KSLA about the importance of keeping up with your health.

“One thing that COVID-19 did is it made people really evaluate their health. Evaluate where you are with your vitamin D levels, evaluate their hidden underlying health issues, and a lot of times if you don’t bring it to people, they won’t go and get it taken care of. I wanted to make sure we brought it not just to members of the Logos Life and Community Church, but the community as a whole,” he said.

Bryant said he hopes the event will help people be proactive instead of getting bad news and being reactive. He said he plans to have more health fairs in the future.

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