RFP for Mental Health Diversion Peer Services Evaluation Consultant | Latest News | Health Services

RFP for Mental Health Diversion Peer Services Evaluation Consultant | Latest News | Health Services

Proposals must be received no later than 2:00PM on April 1, 2022

Published:  March 13, 2022

The County of Sonoma Department
of Health Services, Behavioral Health Division (BHD) is requesting proposals to
provide evaluation services for a new Mental Health Services Act Innovation
program: Crossroads to Hope. Crossroads to Hope serves eligible criminal
justice diversion clients who have a serious mental health illness and may have
a co-occurring substance use disorder. 


PLEASE NOTE: Due to a system
update, the Supplier Portal will be offline and unavailable from Thursday,
March 10 at 5:00 pm to Monday, March 14 at 8:00 a.m.  During this time
period, it is not possible to access Supplier Portal accounts; documents cannot
be downloaded or uploaded, and bids cannot be placed.


Proposals must be received no
later than 2:00PM on April 1, 2022


You must be registered in
the County of Sonoma’s Supplier Portal (http://sonomacounty.ca.gov/Supplier-Portal)
in order to view the full solicitation, download and upload documents, and bid.
Please refer to the attachments for information on how to register, view
solicitations, and place bids.  It is incumbent upon all interested
parties to check for any changes, including updates or addenda, by logging into
the County’s Supplier Portal and reviewing the event.



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