Public and Businesses Invited to Free Climate Change and Health Virtual Conference

Public and Businesses Invited to Free Climate Change and Health Virtual Conference

POSTED: April 4, 2022

Public and Businesses Invited to Attend Free Climate Change and Health Virtual Conference

Climate change, its impact on people’s health and local businesses’ bottom line, is the focus of this year’s free Place Matters conference hosted by Clatsop CHART (Community Health Advocacy Resource Team) and Clatsop County Department of Public Health.

The virtual event takes place Tues., April 19 through Thurs., April 21 and features presentations by Oregon health experts, researchers and local food producers.

Wildfire smoke, allergies, weather impacts on agriculture – climate change can affect our health in multiple ways.

“Every day we are living with climate change impacts on our North Coast and food systems,” said Emily Reilly, Clatsop County health promotion specialist. “It’s affecting the air we breathe, causing more allergy problems for people, and making it harder on commercial and recreational fisher folks and food producers. This free conference is one way we are raising public awareness about Climate Change and its impact on our health, well-being and the food we enjoy.”

Three one-hour presentations will cover different aspects of the climate change-health connection. People can take part in one, two or all of the presentations.

Conference sign-up

Presentations will include question and answer sessions. A recording of the conference will be posted on the Clatsop Public Health website.


Tues., April 19, 4-5 p.m.

Kim Tham, Oregon Health Authority Climate & Health Program

This big picture session provides an overview on how climate change is impacting our health, well-being and food supply in Clatsop County.


Wed., April 20, 12-1 p.m.

“Climate Change and Infrastructure on the North Coast”

Nicole Everett, Univ. of Washington & Cascadia Coastlines & Peoples Hazards Research Lab

Erica Fleishman, Oregon State Univ. & Oregon Climate Change Research Institute

We’re experiencing more flooding, breathing more dangerous and smoky air from wildfires, and struggling with heat domes that bring unseasonably hot summer days. One of the culprits is the growing Pacific Warm Blob. Learn more about the BLOB and how climate change is impacting everyday lives of people and businesses in Clatsop County, affecting Emergency Preparedness and what our future could look like.


Thurs., April 21, 4-5 p.m.

“Local Food Systems and Agriculture”

Mike and Eryn Domeyer, Tre-Fin Foods

Teresa Retzlaff, 46 North Farms | Jessika Tantisook, North Coast Food Web

Living in Clatsop County has meant easy access to fresh food, however, climate change is putting a strain on our food supply. Local food producers will share how changes to the climate is affecting their businesses, fresh food availability, and your grocery bill.

Place Matters Clatsop County participates in the Place Matters Oregon project, which acknowledges the connection between where we live and our health. Place Matters Clatsop County started in 2019 because of interest between various community partners to find better ways to ensure healthy outcomes for all residents.

Place Matters Oregon is an effort of the Oregon Health Authority’s Public Health Division. The goals are to foster conversations about how place affects our health and to inspire collective action that will make a healthy life available to all Oregonians. Clatsop County is the only county that produces an annual local conference.

“The places where we live, work, learn, play and age matter to our physical, mental and emotional health. Much can be done in Oregon communities to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a long, healthy life. When we support people in making healthy choices help prevent the chronic diseases that diminish individual lives and the vitality of our state,” Reilly said.

The Public Health Division of the Oregon Health Authority is dedicated to promoting health and preventing the leading causes of death, disease and injury in our state. We do this by creating environments, policies and systems that support healthy communities and wellness for everyone, including access to healthy food, physical activity, immunizations, safe water and clean air.

For more information, please visit the Public Health Division website.

Clatsop CHART works collaboratively with community members to impact policy, systems, and environmental change to raise the overall health of Clatsop County residents



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