Physical Therapy Residency Program | Veterans Affairs

Physical Therapy Residency Program | Veterans Affairs

Residency Mission
To educate thoughtful clinicians who can integrate and synthesize specialty practice, knowledge and skills to provide outstanding, evidence-based physical therapy services to veterans across the continuum of care.

Program Goals and Objectives

Prepare residents to become board-certified clinical specialists by providing:?

  • Clinical rotations across the continuum of care, with a variety of diagnoses consistent with description of residency practice (DRP)?
  • Didactic instruction from multiple modalities including web-based learning with access to multiple platforms, access to ABPTS recommended textbooks, journal databases, and opportunities for consultation with board-certified specialists and clinicians with advanced knowledge/skills in a specialized area of practice.?
  • Structured mentorship with board-certified specialists across a variety of specialty fields and practice settings?
  • Opportunities for advancing teaching skills including professional presentations, lab assisting, and supervision of DPT students?

Raise the quality and standard of care of the VA Physical Therapy department by:?

  • Supporting staff growth in the area of clinical instruction and mentorship.?
  • Guiding residents to provide staff in-services on topics specific to the fields of specialty PT.?
  • Inspiring other staff therapists to participate in the advancement of the physical therapy profession.?

Retain newly trained clinical specialists within the VA system, whether in St. Louis or other parts of the country by:?

  • Demonstrating through best practice that VA is a highly desirable employer for Physical Therapists.
  • Recruiting and considering all successfully graduating residents for open full- time positions within the VA-STLHCS and/or nationwide within the Veterans Health Administration System.?

Maintain ABPTRFE accreditation for all PT residency programs by:?

  • Demonstrating compliance with residency quality standards through timely?
  • submission of program’s Annual Reports. ?
  • Continuously improving the residency programs through submission of Annual Reports to ABPTRFE and recording meeting minutes.?
  • Successfully renewing the programs’ accreditation through ABPTRFE.?

Sustain all VA-St. Louis Physical Therapy Residency Programs by:?

  • Attracting quality candidates.?
  • Maintaining appropriate level of clinical specialists and mentors on staff.?
  • Providing financial stability through Office of Academic Affairs.?
  • Demonstrating residents’ satisfaction assessed through post-graduation survey.?

Support the mission of the sponsoring organization by:?

  • The resident meeting productivity standards of the clinic


VA St. Louis Health Care System

Contact Number(s)

314-652-4100 Ext. 54437

Hours of Operation

8:00am to 4:30pm

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