Parents Think CBD & Marijuana Are The Same, Is It?

Parents Think CBD & Marijuana Are The Same, Is It?

A new poll reveals that most parents don’t know the difference between CBD and THC

CBD explained
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A new poll reveals that most parents don’t know the difference between CBD and THC, or know much about CBD products in general. CBD is used to treat an assortment of medical issues and has been a life-changer for parents with children who have serious medical issues such as seizures. There are CBD products marketed for children, and it is found in ointments, lotion, liquid form, or gummies. These products are primarily for childhood epilepsy, but CBD has also been used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and pain.

There is a major difference between CBD and THC, and when parents don’t know what it is, they’re misinformed about the medical benefits of CBD. It is confused with THC. CBD and THC are the two most potent chemical compounds found in marijuana, however, they’re very different and do different things. CBD is short for cannabidiol. This chemical compound is an active ingredient in marijuana; however, it doesn’t cause any sort of “high” for users, but it does relieve pain.

According to Harvard Health, CBD is the second most prevalent chemical in marijuana behind THC and provides the healing powers of marijuana. CBD is more potent in hemp whereas THC is most common in marijuana. There is no proof at all that CBD is harmful to humans or creates any sort of psychoactive reaction in humans. THC is short for tetrahydrocannabinol and is a psychoactive ingredient that does create a high in users. Parents seem to confuse the chemicals or assume they’re the same.

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CBD oil
Via Pexels

A survey from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital confirms the confusion.

  • 46% of parents surveyed admitted to not knowing much about CBD products and how they can be beneficial for children.
  • 90% of parents surveyed have never even considered giving their child CBD products.
  • 3 in 4 believe CBD should be prescribed by a doctor for use in children.
  • A little over a third of parents also think that CBD and THC are more or less the same.
  • Only 2% of parents have given their kids CBD products.

The top reasons parents turned to CBD were for anxiety, sleep problems, ADHD, autism, or to just make their kids feel better in general. There is a stigma against CBD, but it will not get you or your child high. Any questions about CBD should be directed towards your child’s pediatrician.

Source: Harvard Health, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

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