Lionheart Cannabis thrives on providing compassionate care and quality CBD products

Lionheart Cannabis thrives on providing compassionate care and quality CBD products

As of January 2022, recreational cannabis use has been legalized in Montana for adults 21 years and older. What does this all mean and where can Montana residents that are curious about cannabis go for insights?

Chris Fanuzzi, founder and owner of Lionheart Cannabis, Montana’s leading medical and recreational cannabis provider, addresses the new law, offers tips for both patients and recreational users and highlights some of his company’s products.

What is Lionheart Cannabis?

Lionheart was founded in Bozeman in 2007. Fanuzzi has spent the last 15 years not only creating and expanding his business but also lobbying for the legalization of cannabis. The company is renowned for its focus on quality, its top-of-the-line products featuring dozens of strains, compassionate patient care and educational awareness among clients. Home to the original Montana Silvertip strains, Lionheart currently produces a myriad of oils, edibles and tinctures in a variety of flavors, strengths and price ranges. In addition to its headquarters in Bozeman, the company has five cultivation facilities throughout the state, as well as dispensaries in Billings, Butte, Helena, Great Falls (Herbal Bliss), Kalispell, Livingston and Missoula. Lionheart also offers a new online menu for each location.

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Where did the name originate?

Fanuzzi chuckles when describing the name’s origin. “I’ve always loved lions, ever since I was a kid,” he said. “In fact, my personal email growing up had the word ‘lionheart’ in it. The Spartan king was named Leonidas, and the story of Daniel and the Lion from the Bible was one of my favorites. Plus, I had this huge orange tabby cat growing up.”

When it came time to name the company, Fanuzzi didn’t think twice.

“The word ‘heart’ pays homage to the passion and love for the plant and puts an emphasis on the compassion we have for the medical patients,” he said. “We are providing them with safe, quality products and service that maybe they never had access to before.”

What’s the difference between a medical cannabis patient and a recreational user?

Plenty, according to Fanuzzi. Under Montana state law, medical patients suffering from debilitating medical conditions may apply for a marijuana card from their physician. Terminal and lifelong illnesses include anything from AIDS/HIV, cancer and glaucoma to neuropathy, Crohn’s disease and epilepsy. To learn more about the state’s guidelines, click here.

“It’s important to note that most recreational users have a much lower tolerance than the medical patients do. In addition, a medical patient usually has to do some research to find the strain that works well for their condition and find enough of it so that they have a consistent supply. Oftentimes, a patient may need multiple strains to treat a variety of symptoms, too.”

Medical patients qualify for special discounts at Lionheart Cannabis, in addition to being able to purchase THC at concentrations higher than those for the adult use consumer. Recreational users statewide can legally purchase one ounce of flower, 100 milligrams of edibles, or 800 milligrams of concentrates per day.

Can I still be fined if in possession of cannabis?

Transporting cannabis in any form into or out of the state of Montana, as well as the possession or consumption of cannabis on federal land (Glacier and Yellowstone National Park) is illegal. Adults 21 and older cannot be in possession of more than 1 ounce (28 grams) for personal use. Smoking marijuana in public spaces is also illegal as well.

For more information on Lionheart products, click here

Information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and does not supersede any medical advice given by a physician. Cannabis is still considered a schedule 1 controlled substance and is illegal under federal law. Adults who consume cannabis must keep cannabis products away from animals and out of reach of children. Note that the intoxicating effects of cannabis can sometimes be delayed, so do not operate a vehicle or machinery after consumption. Use of cannabis during pregnancy or while breastfeeding may be harmful. By purchasing cannabis from a dispensary, you are assuming the risk of any damage or loss that occurs during its use.

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