‘If it’s broken, I’ll fix it’: repairman works on appliances, fitness equipment, vacuums, and more

‘If it’s broken, I’ll fix it’: repairman works on appliances, fitness equipment, vacuums, and more

Doug Moffatt arrived in Moose Jaw recently and says he’s loving the city so far and is finding plenty of opportunities to apply his wide-ranging repair skills. Moffatt has been repairing appliances for his entire life

Doug Moffatt arrived in Moose Jaw recently and says he’s loving the city so far and is finding plenty of opportunities to apply his wide-ranging repair skills.

Moffatt has been repairing appliances for his entire life. He started off helping his father, who worked for Trans Canada Pipelines and enjoyed fixing just anything electronic or mechanical.

“And when he retired (from Trans Canada Pipelines), he decided he wasn’t ready to retire all the way,” Moffatt said. “So we got together and started repairing appliances.”

Their business started in Moosomin, where Moffatt is from. The business is his alone now. He moved to Moose Jaw about six months ago.

“It’s been absolutely roses here. Everybody…. Well, this really is the friendly city. I’ve been very happy, very pleased with the way it’s going.”

Moffatt’s business in Moosomin was successful, so moving to Moose Jaw was a leap, he said. He left a busy customer base there.

However, he’s wanted to live in Moose Jaw since he went to school here in the early 90s. He knew then that he liked it.

“Then I got busy,” Moffatt said, “doing appliance repair in Moosomin. I thought, ‘well, I guess I won’t live in Moose Jaw.’ But, 30 years later, I’m back.”

Moffatt’s business, DM Service, offers an unusual mix of repairs. Although appliances are his number one source of customers, he enjoys fixing fitness equipment and vacuum cleaners as well.

“Power furniture, even,” Moffatt adds. “If it’s broken, I’ll fix it, pretty much.”

The global chip crunch has had some effect on the parts Moffatt can find. He’ll repair the electronics if he can, and he said he can still get most parts quickly. However, with electronics becoming a part of almost everything now, there is occasionally a frustrating delay.

Part of that frustration comes from his dislike of keeping people waiting. Same day or next day for the initial call, Moffatt said.

“Doesn’t matter how busy I am,” he said, “I will always get to you that same day or the next day. I’ll never tell you, ‘Well sir, I’m too busy, I can’t come for two weeks.’ That’s no good – somebody’s fridge breaks, they can’t wait two weeks to have it repaired.”

It does, he admits, mean working longer hours sometimes. He doesn’t mind. He’s always done it that way.

When it comes to brand recommendations, Moffatt is reluctant to pick sides. Most companies are on par with each other these days, so his advice is to choose a brand with an in-country service centre, a ready supply of parts, and easy technical service.

That being said, he’s always loved Electrolux.

“My number one brand recommendation is and always has been Electrolux, which is also Frigidaire – same company. And then second to that would be Whirlpool, they’re actually getting very comparable now.”

DM Service also offers free removal of unwanted appliances and fitness equipment. He can be found on Facebook, called at (306) 608-2943, or emailed at rebty@outlook.com

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