Hustle for Healthsource Color 5K raises money for community health program

Hustle for Healthsource Color 5K raises money for community health program

MILFORD, Ohio — Gloomy weather did not stop Saturday morning’s Hustle for HealthSource Color 5K in Milford.

The 5K raises money for the HealthSource Foundation’s More Than Medicine program — which is part of community health center HealthSource of Ohio.

More Than Medicine provides emergency healthy meal kits for those who lack access to healthy food and purchases books to promote early childhood literacy. It also helps patients who cannot afford prescriptions or lack transportation to medical appointments.

The 5K, which had hundreds of people sign up this year, has not been held in person for years due to COVID-19.

“We’re just so thankful to see faces and get back to a new normal,” said Jen Patrick with HealthSource of Ohio. “We’re so happy.”

Heather Moore came out to run the 5K to get some exercise with friends.

“We’re really into fitness,” Moore said. “We work out together as a group.”

The mission is also personal to Moore. She has relied on the health center the past few years during and after a difficult pregnancy.

“I mean, basically, they saved my life,” she said. “I was a severe diabetic while I was pregnant, and so I was there a lot and they helped me have all the resources I needed to deliver a healthy baby and to recover.”

You can find more information about the foundation and how to support it here.

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