DOH continues investigation following confirmation of additional Hilton Grand Islander Legionnaires’ case

DOH continues investigation following confirmation of additional Hilton Grand Islander Legionnaires’ case

DOH continues investigation following confirmation of additional Hilton Grand Islander Legionnaires’ case

Posted on May 6, 2022 in Navy Water System Incident, Newsroom

The Hawai?i Department of Health (DOH) confirmed an additional case of Legionnaires’ disease in a guest who stayed at The Grand Islander by Hilton Grand Vacations located in Waikiki.

The fourth case was diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease on April 26. The individual is a non-Hawaii resident who stayed at the Grand Islander from April 16-18, 2022. The first case was diagnosed in June 2021, the second case was diagnosed on March 6 or 7, 2022, and the third case was diagnosed on April 2, 2022.

“Legionnaires’ disease can potentially have severe consequences, and we encourage anyone who developed symptoms following a stay at the Grand Islander to contact a physician and DOH,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble. “We are encouraged that the Hilton has brought in additional experts and is stepping up efforts to pinpoint potential sources of contamination and treat water sources as a precautionary measure.”

Legionnaires’ disease is a type of pneumonia caused by exposure to Legionella bacteria. It is treated with antibiotics and cannot spread from person to person. Symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease include cough, shortness of breath, fever, muscle aches, and headache. Symptoms usually begin within two to 14 days of exposure. Most healthy people exposed to Legionella bacteria do not develop Legionnaires’ disease. Those at increased risk include people 50 and older, current or former smokers, and people with a chronic lung disease, weakened immune system, cancer, or underlying conditions.

Legionella bacteria are commonly found in freshwater environments, but can proliferate and spread in water systems such as showerheads and sink faucets, cooling towers, hot tubs, and large plumbing systems.

Individuals who stayed at the Grand Islander and developed symptoms consistent with Legionella infection are encouraged to seek medical attention and report the illness to DOH’s Disease Outbreak and Control Division Disease Reporting Line by phone at (808) 586-4586.

PDF: DOH continues investigation following confirmation of additional Hilton Grand Islander Legionnaires’ case

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