Dog treats made in Kelowna with B.C.-grown CBD – Lake Country Calendar

Dog treats made in Kelowna with B.C.-grown CBD – Lake Country Calendar

Peppy Pets sells homemade dog treats made with love, and CBD, in Kelowna.

Darba Melenchuk started making dog treats after her family adopted a dog from Mexico.

After sharing her chicken-flavoured snacks with the neighbourhood pups, Melenchuk said that word spread that her treats were nutritious and delicious. Melenchuk said that she is an entrepreneur at heart and was looking to start a new business, after working as a stay-at-home mom for a few years.

Peppy Pets was created when the family pooch lost the pep in its step and the medications they were taking were not sufficient.

Melenchuk said they learned that CBD, the non-psychoactive ingredient in hemp, was safe for dogs and could help manage pain and inflammation. She said that her innovative spirit kicked in and she decided to combine the CBD oil with her popular treats.

The creator and owner of Peppy Pets and her dog (Darba Melenchuk)

“It feels like a new beginning for me,” said Melenchuk about starting the new business.

She said that pups have reported the treats are just as delicious, and their owners have been happy with the results of the added CBD oil.

She said that her family and the community have been supportive of her new endeavour.

There have been some hurdles to overcome, said Melenchuk, but “learning is the fun part.”


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