CBD Startup Wants Susman Godfrey Taken Off Fraud Case – Law360

CBD Startup Wants Susman Godfrey Taken Off Fraud Case – Law360

By Katryna Perera (March 22, 2022, 4:51 PM EDT) — A CBD startup being sued over claims it coaxed investors into funding more than $60 million based on false and misleading information has asked an Oregon state judge to disqualify Susman Godfrey LLP from representing the plaintiffs, saying the firm had inside information on the startup when it took on the case.

Lawyers from Markowitz Herbold PC, who are representing the defendant, Sentia Wellness Inc. founder Nitin Khanna, filed a motion Friday to disqualify Susman Godfrey. They claimed one of the firm’s attorneys, Rachel Black, received confidential information from Khanna when she was briefly contacted in 2020 to represent Sentia in a similar matter…

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