Home CBD CBD products on the rise in Bay County

CBD products on the rise in Bay County

CBD products on the rise in Bay County

BAY COUNTY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) – With more people using alternative remedies for medicine, there may be a misconception between marijuana versus CBD. Many in Bay County have been looking for a more natural approach to health.

“The need for a high-quality CBD product I think has been here for quite some time,” Emerald Kush Farms Chief Operations Officer Napoleon Deciutiis said.

And with the need for CBD, also comes the need for understanding what CBD is.

“With a hemp plant, you have high CBD and low THC, and THC is the part that gets you buzzed. It’s the psychoactive part of it. The marijuana plant has a high amount of THC and a low amount of CBD,” said Deciutiis.

Deciutiis said the therapeutic effects you can feel from CBD directly correlate with your body’s Endocannabinoid System, which plays important roles in the central nervous system.

“And living within that system, we have what are called receptor sites. Receptor sites that are neurological and immune system receptors. When people do ingest this plant, the plant has the capability at the molecular level to make changes happen in a good outcome for the patient,” Kaya Life cannabis nurse Bethany Campbell said.

An outcome proponents say helps with a multitude of physiological improvements.

“With conditions with anything from neurological, autoimmune, to metabolic. So, it’s pretty incredible,” said Campbell.

Which is why some may trend towards natural medicine.

“And the ability to use a medicine that the benefits are going to outweigh the risks because it’s natural for our body and we can actually receive it well and healthy without having a list of long side effects and it works for people,” said Campbell.

But if you choose to go the natural route, there’s one more thing you should know.

“You always want to ensure you get a company that is third-party lab tested so you know exactly what you’re getting in your product and exactly what you’re putting in your body,” Emerald Kush Farms Chief Executive Officer Lauren Deciutiis said.

Because putting the best in your body is what local CBD entrepreneurs strive for.

CBD products can come in many different ways like gummies, edibles, gel capsules, creams, and vaporizers.

Visit Emerald Kush Farms for more information on its CBD products and how to buy them.

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