CBD Co. Says Ex-Franchisee’s Latest Complaint Flouts Deal – Law360

CBD Co. Says Ex-Franchisee’s Latest Complaint Flouts Deal – Law360

By Sarah Jarvis (March 3, 2022, 9:01 PM EST) — CBD American Shaman LLC has filed counterclaims against a former store franchisee who had sued the company after a fellow Florida franchisee allegedly interfered with his contract by getting involved in the operation of his store and later firing him, arguing that a settlement the parties reached bars his latest claims.

In a Monday counterclaim, the company and related entities urged a Florida federal court to find that a $50,000 settlement they inked with Thomas O’Neal is “fair, reasonable and enforceable,” and bars claims O’Neal has leveled against the Shaman defendants in a supplemental complaint filed in January.

“The release provision…

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