UNCW Student Health Center to Host COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics on April 11 and 29

UNCW Student Health Center to Host COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics on April 11 and 29

Friday, April 08, 2022

The UNCW Student Health Center has scheduled COVID-19 vaccination clinics for Monday, April 11 and Friday, April 29.  The free clinics are open to students, faculty, staff and community members; no appointment is needed.

Both clinics will be held from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. in the Student Health Center on the 2nd floor of DePaolo Hall.

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson vaccines and boosters will be available. After receiving the vaccine, you will need to remain in place for 15 minutes. Vaccines, including boosters, are available while supplies last. The UNCW vaccine clinic will only serve those 17 and older.  

The CDC has updated guidance for booster shot eligibility. Individuals age 50 and older may receive a second booster of Pfizer or Moderna at least four months after receiving a booster dose of any approved COVID vaccine. Immunocompromised individuals are also eligible for a second booster dose four months after their first booster; see the guidance for details. 

Vaccinations and boosters are also available at many locations in the community and across the state. See NCDHHS information for more details.  

For additional vaccine information and resources, please visit the Best for the Nest website or email coronavirus@uncw.edu.  

With the Easter holiday approaching, many Seahawks are planning to gather with friends and family. We welcome anyone who plans to travel or gather with others to get tested for COVID-19 two to three days before you plan to depart, reducing the chance of taking the virus home to parents, siblings, other family members and friends. 

Surveillance testing is available, for those without symptoms, at the Student Health Center, on the second floor of DePaolo Hall, Monday – Thursday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m.; no appointment is needed. Students with symptoms should call the health center at 910.962.3280 to make an appointment. 

As a reminder, there is a community testing site available in the Trask parking lot, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., which provides free drive-up COVID testing for symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. This provides accessible testing for Seahawk family members and faculty and staff who may be exhibiting symptoms. This site provides both rapid and PCR testing. Visit the NC Department of Health and Human Services website for more information on no-cost testing sites.

For any questions, contact coronavirus@uncw.edu.

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