Health Department Advising Spring Break Travelers to Stay Diligent – 9 & 10 News

Health Department Advising Spring Break Travelers to Stay Diligent – 9 & 10 News

Spring break is on the way for many Michiganders and the Health Department of Northwest Michigan is advising travelers to stay diligent. AAA Michigan says they’re expecting to see an increase in travelers this year which could lead to more COVID cases. In response the Health Department of Northwest Michigan is giving tips for travelers.

“Our rates are lower and across our area and the state, and really across the nation for the most part. The amount of disease transmission is less, so in that sense the risk is lower and less, but it’s certainly not zero,” Dr. Joshua Meyerson says.

Dr. Meyerson is the Medical Director for the Health Department of Northwest Michigan. He says even with COVID cases falling, travelers should stay on their toes during spring break. The health department advises to have a mask just in case, stay up to date with all immunizations and be aware for any requirements or recommendations from the place you’re traveling to.

“If it was me it would be good to have COVID test with me before I traveled,” Meyerson admits. “They could come in handy if you’re on the road or away from you usual sources of healthcare,” Dr. Meyerson continues.

AAA research suggests that more than half the country is more comfortable taking a trip this year than last year. A Public Affairs Spokesperson for AAA Michigan, Gary Bubar says even with the rising gas prices, they still expect more travelers for spring break this year.

“The demand is still there, and people are ready to get out and do more traveling and get out there. Because they haven’t been able to in the past couple of years,” Bubar states.Travelers

Bubar warns that things can change fast with COVID. He advises travelers to not underestimate COVID and to consider travel insurance.

“This might be a good time to think about buying it. Because if you have a non-refundable ticket, if for some reason you have to cancel your trip, or you just become very uncomfortable with something goin on illness wise then you’re able to get the money back on your trip,” Bubar explains.

Dr. Meyerson reminds travelers to keep in mind those around them or in their family or friend group that is immunocompromised. He says travelers should be aware of that, but ultimately take the precautions they feel are necessary.

“We just want to remind everyone these are the steps they can take because we want everyone to enjoy their vacation, their time off, visit friends and family,” Dr. Meyerson says.

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