Ex-GC Says CBD Founder Is Liable In Back Pay, Benefits Suit – Law360

Ex-GC Says CBD Founder Is Liable In Back Pay, Benefits Suit – Law360

By Sarah Jarvis (March 7, 2022, 4:47 PM EST) — The former general counsel for three Pittsburgh-based CBD companies has asked a Pennsylvania federal court to hold the companies’ owner accountable in his back pay and benefits lawsuit, a move that comes after the attorney secured a default judgment against the trio of businesses.

Peter Borghetti and his wife,Cherylann, argued in a Friday memorandum that the court should grant their summary judgment motion seeking approval to piece the corporate veil around Deborah Gestner’s businesses. Gestner — the founder, owner and former president of CBD USA Grown Inc., Greenleaf Golden Enterprises LLC and KMA Holdings Group LLC — should also be liable…

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