The CBD sisters – Evanston RoundTable

The CBD sisters – Evanston RoundTable

At only 50 years old, Lisa Brennan-Winefield was told she needed a hip replacement. She was a runner, notching 3 to 4 miles a few times a week, and loving every second of it. But her hip pain was severe. It got to the point where it hurt to even step onto the sidewalk.

“My mom, who’s 80 now – she was about 75 at the time – was like, ‘You look older than I look,’” said Brennan-Winefield, an Evanston resident.

That’s when her sister Keri Brennan-Descoteaux, an operations consultant and self-proclaimed science geek, suggested she give cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, a try.

Sisters Lisa Brennan-Winefield, left, and Keri Brennan-Descoteaux opened Botanica cbd in June 2018. (Submitted photo)

It took about three weeks for her pain to ease, Brennan-Winefield said. Gradually upping her CBD dose in a tincture every few days, she took the titration process – starting with a low dose and gauging the effects with how she felt – seriously.

Now, at 57, Brennan-Winefield says she lives pain-free. “It did take me a while to find the right dose that worked for my body, she said. “I do have to take it every day, and if I stop taking it, the pain comes back.”

CBD is an active ingredient in marijuana, but CBD doesn’t have enough of the psychoactive ingredient that can get you high. In its usual form, CBD is an oil – a couple of drops that quickly absorb under the tongue. It’s also sold as an extract and in capsules, topical creams, edibles and smokes, though the federal Food and Drug Administration has approved only a single CBD product, the prescription drug Epidiolex, used to treat seizures.

The Brennan sisters said they weren’t happy with the drug-driven direction of the health and wellness industry across the country and decided to do something about it with a product that had worked for them.

When they opened Botanica cbd in June 2018, the store did better than they expected, they said. Despite having to undertake somewhat of a relaunch after punishing pandemic downturns, the sisters are committed to challenging what they see as misinformation about hemp-based products.

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