The 5 Medical Conditions CBD Improves | FightBook MMA

The 5 Medical Conditions CBD Improves | FightBook MMA

CBD is a popular cure for almost every health condition we might come across. It is an active component in cannabis, with THC being the most active component. CBD has been proven in research to prevent and cure ailments like pain, anxiety, and even cancer signs. Despite CBD’s popularity, some people are ignorant of the health condition that it improves. So, this article will take you through 5 medical conditions that CBD improves, but a little explanation about CBD shouldn’t hurt.

What is CBD?

CBD is the short form for cannabidiol, and it is a non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant. Though the aim of growing cannabis plants is to cultivate THC, CBD is excellent for health issues. THC is the other popular component of the cannabis plant that gives a sense of euphoria.

CBD works by linking with receptors in the body’s nervous system and provides a calming effect. It also works as a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory herb.

CBD comes in different forms. We’ll find CBD Vape Pen, tablets, oil, tinctures, edibles, and creams in the market or online stores for purchase. Many people think CBD works for every medical condition. However, scientists are against this claim.

Also, CBD products are like every other supplement to the FDA. Some CBD products can be on the market without evidence that they work for specific conditions. So, it’s essential to do intensive research before buying these products.

Here’s a list of 5 proven medical conditions CBD improves.

The 5 Medical Conditions CBD Can Improve

1.     Pain

The top thing that comes to the mind of people who understand the effects of CBD is that it cures pain. CBD is an excellent alternative to pain medications. The reason is that people dealing with pain have to take medications regularly. So, these patients could develop addictions to these pain medications.

CBD may help treat chronic pain without getting the patients addicted. There are also fewer side effects compared to regular medications.

A study showed that CBD cures pain by linking to the body’s endocannabinoid receptors. Therefore, it reduces the pain and inflammation levels in the body.

Another study on an animal with arthritis has proven that CBD helps the pain of arthritis. In that study, scientists rubbed CBD gel on the animal’s skin, reducing signs of inflammation. So, they concluded that CBD has pain-relieving properties with no side effects.

2.     Diabetes

Research on the effects of CBD on diabetes has been done, and it has proven to be effective. CBD controls blood sugar, improves cardiovascular health, and reduces stress. All these conditions have a connection with diabetes.

Other studies showed that CBD could reduce resistin, a hormone that contributes to insulin resistance. It also increases the hormones that push the release of insulin.

Meanwhile, another study has proved the combination of THC and CBD to work for type 2 diabetes. However, the research is still in its early stages because human studies became legal in 2015.

3.     Addiction

Contrary to some people’s beliefs that CBD causes addiction, it doesn’t. Instead, CBD helps to fight addiction. Research has it that CBD treats behavioral and drug addictions. However, the research is early; some studies have proven CBD to reduce addictions to some medications.

Some patients get addicted to medications like opioids because of how complex their withdrawal process can be. Some of these withdrawal symptoms could be nausea, vomiting, or dizziness.

CBD cures these withdrawal symptoms, making your withdrawal process easier. Its relaxing properties help the body calm down and prevent pain during this process. Then, it helps the patients to maintain their mental health during this phase.

4.     Acne

Acne occurs when bacteria, oil, or dead skin block your skin cores, irritating the skin. CBD helps by reducing these irritations and reducing skin breakouts. It works without causing the dryness or irritation that typical chemicals cause. Therefore, it is excellent for acne-prone skin.

Research has it that CBD controls the skin’s oil production. The skin has its endocannabinoid system. So, cannabinoids bind to the receptors and decide what happens to the skin. This explains the increase in sebum production resulting from endogenous cannabinoids. These endogenous cannabinoids limit the lipogenic action of CB2 receptors, hence, controlling sebum production.

CBD acts as an antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful stuff caused by environmental pollution. It also enhances the skin’s tone and texture as time goes by. Though doctors haven’t fully agreed to its efficacy, we can use CBD as an anti-acne product.

5.     Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s is a severe form of dementia disease, and it mostly has to do with memory loss. Though there’s no evidence that CBD could stop or prevent dementia, it reduces its symptoms.

An inflammatory response occurs when the brain’s immune cells can’t clear blockages. These blockages are linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Then, oxygen releases as a result of inflammation in the brain. As more oxygen is released into the brain’s cells, the memory becomes endangered.

CBD is an antioxidant that helps to reduce the symptoms of oxygen stress. It can also help repair brain processes that have been harmed by oxygen stress.


If you’re suffering from any of the listed medical conditions, give CBD a trial. However, it would help if you did more research about using them and the proper dosage. Also, if you’re on medications, visit your doctor to know if CBD is compatible with the drugs to avoid undesirable effects.


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