Police seek vandals of dozens of cars, fitness center in Westminster

Police seek vandals of dozens of cars, fitness center in Westminster

WESTMINSTER, Md. — Wanted by police—a pair of suspects wearing distinctive shoes and clothing who vandalized as many as 20 vehicles in Westminster in the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday and knocked out the front glass door at Bel Air Road Supply on Liberty Street.

“The alarm went off, which then goes to our manager who then at 12:30 at night had to get out of bed and come in and see what was going on, meet police here and not knowing if somebody had come in,” said Kelly Baker, an employee at the business.

While the vandals do not appear to have stolen anything, Westminster Police Lt. Jeffrey Schuster says these are crimes against the community.

“They are destroying property that belongs to people who have worked hard to pay for their vehicles and go to work everyday, and it does become a quality of life issue,” said Schuster.

Police now believe the same vandals responsible for this damage also struck less than two weeks ago.

In addition to another 15 to 20 vehicles, the same two people broke into the armory where the Westminster Family Fitness Center is located and tore up the place without taking a thing, except for its workers and patrons’ sense of safety and piece of mind.

“It really does, because you hear a lot about this in this area. You hear about all kinds of things going on,” said Baker, “So, yes, it is a little disturbing not knowing who it was… if they’re going to come in again… if they’re casing the store. We don’t know so it is a little disturbing.”

If you can identify the suspects or have any information, which could help police, you’re asked to call Lt. Schuster at 410-848-4646.

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