Get a Free Dad Grass CBD Joint When You Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Get a Free Dad Grass CBD Joint When You Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Dad Grass CBD Joints

Photo: Dad Grass / Composite by VICE Staff

Stupid-hot deals on all of our favorite stuff.

Happy 4/20, dear reader! Take a seat in our shag-carpeted conversation pit, and we’d love to puff, puff, pass you a fragrant, crystal-covered deal in celebration of this magical day, which, by the way, was invented in 1971 by five high school kids who called themselves “the Waldos,” to commemorate the time of day when they’d meet at their shared hangout spot—a statue of Louis Pasteur. Facts! We’d love you to join our own figurative gang of Waldos, and to reap the benefits of being a friend of Rec Room.

We’ve teamed up with Dad Grass, which makes some of our staff’s all-time fave ultra-vibey CBD and CBG joints, to give you a free joint this 4/20. Yep, you heard that right—this is a paranoia-free zone, after all. Sign up for the Rec Room newsletter today, and you’ll receive a free joint while supplies last—we’re giving away up to 5,000, by the way. Plus, get all of our immaculately curated product reviews, best-of guides, scoops on new drops, and hot deals in your inbox every week when you subscribe, as a delicious bonus with a warm, gooey center. 

Click here to sign up for the Rec Room newsletter and get a free joint from Dad Grass. Then, throw on a great record, open the window to let the breeze and sunshine in, and have a beautiful day.

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