Electricity restored in most of Joburg CBD following tunnel fires – City Power

Electricity restored in most of Joburg CBD following tunnel fires – City Power

Electricity restored in most of Joburg CBD following tunnel fires – City Power

The lengthy and frustrating outage was caused by a fire in an underground tunnel last week.

Officials attended to an outage from Fordsburg substation affecting most of the Joburg CBD and Selby on 28 March 2022. The outage happened around 8am after a fire in the underground tunnels at Ntemi Piliso street tripped two main lines to Central & Selby Substation. Picture: City Power.

JOHANNESBURG – City Power said on Monday that it has restored electricity to most parts of the Johannesburg CBD.

The lengthy and frustrating outage was caused by a fire in an underground tunnel last week.

As a result, parts of the city center were without supply the whole of last week and over the rainy weekend.

City Power spokesperson Isaac Mangena said additional standby cables have also been set up to offer alternatives in the event of future outages.

“Even though raining weather threatened to delay some of the repairs, we are still on track and we are hopeful that we will be able to reconnect all the areas that have been affected by the underground tunnel fires.”

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