Dancing on Ice star Kimberly Wyatt’s health and fitness secrets might surprise you

Dancing on Ice star Kimberly Wyatt’s health and fitness secrets might surprise you

Kimberly Wyatt has Dancing on Ice fans watching in awe every Sunday as she performs breathtaking routines featuring athletic feats, all while looking stunning and fresh-faced.

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The mum-of-three previously shared all her fitness, diet and beauty secrets in a 2014 interview with HELLO!, revealing how she stays in such fantastic shape – and it’s easier than you might think. First, Kimberly had some empowering words of wisdom. “Exercise breeds confidence which is so important in facing your every day.”

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So what exactly does Kimberly’s health and fitness regime look like? Here’s everything she said…

What is Kimberly Wyatt’s exercise regime?

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What’s exciting is that we don’t have to commit to going to the gym daily, because Kimberly stays in shape by mixing it up. “I’m into yoga at the moment and love circuit training and cardio. I do a lot of jogging and, of course, I’m consistently dancing.”


Kimberly likes to mix up her workout routine

Now that in-person parties and red carpet events are back in full swing, Kimberly confesses that even she will put in extra effort. “Before a big event, I’ll put in some preparation time. I’ll up my cardio to make sure I’m shedding as much as possible to look toned and lean, which always makes me feel great on a big night out.”

What is Kimberly Wyatt’s diet?

“It’s about finding a healthy lifestyle I can maintain… I love smoothies! I make them with yoghurt, peanut butter, blueberries and bananas, blended with Maxitone raspberry ripple. They keep me going on a busy summer day, along with lean proteins, vegetables and fruit.”


The Pussycat Dolls star increases her cardio before a big event

Kimberly has a golden tip to avoid always reaching for the sweet treats, revealing: “I fill my fridge with good choices so that I’m not making bad ones.”

What is Kimberly Wyatt’s skincare regime?

Kimberly may have an incredibly toned physique thanks to years of dance, but she also believes skincare is vital. “Exfoliation is extremely important as is using the right products,” she explained.

A tip for radiant skin like Kimberly’s is to look for products that contain natural minerals because they will make your skin glow.


Kimberly says daily exercise keeps her happy and motivated

Keeping a positive mental outlook is also important, and Kimberly finds that exercise helps here too, adding: “having a daily fitness regime always helps to relieve stress and look after yourself.”

Positivity is key:

Be kind to yourself. When Kimberly burst into the music charts with the band The Pussycat Dolls, she felt the effect of fierce competition in the music industry. She admitted: “The pressure is still there as you want to like what’s staring back at you when you look in the mirror.” However, that has definitely shifted now that Kimberly is doing her own thing.

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The key secret appears to be Kimberly’s love of life itself. “For me, it’s about finding a fitness lifestyle that I really enjoy and loving the life that I live,” she said.

Kimberly’s joy of dance is contagious and we look forward to her next performance on Dancing on Ice.

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