Could CBD oil be used to combat drug addictions? Researchers need volunteers to find out

Could CBD oil be used to combat drug addictions? Researchers need volunteers to find out

The effects of cannabis oil on marijuana users and its potential for treating addiction will be the subject of a 12-week trial in regional Victoria.

Researchers with the Goulburn Valley Alcohol and Drug Service are looking for local volunteers to participate in the study, which will examine the possible benefits of cannabidiol, or CBD, which is a chemical found in the cannabis plant.

CBD can make people sleepy and affect the brain’s electrical signals, but unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also found in cannabis, it will not get people “high”.

“It means that it’s safe to drive and it doesn’t interfere with the ability to operate machinery and that sort of thing,” Shepparton-based professor and trial leader Edward Ogden said.

There is still research being undertaken into how CBD can be used medically, but it is thought to help with things like anxiety and chronic pain.

In the US, specific cannabis-derived medicine has been developed for the treatment of childhood epilepsy syndromes.

Medicinal cannabis is a growing industry in Australia, with farms like this one in Toowoomba set to supply domestic and overseas markets.(Supplied: Australian Natural Therapeutics Group)

In 2021, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) allowed for the sale of low-dose CBD preparations over the counter at Australian pharmacies.

But although products are common elsewhere, no product containing CBD has been approved by the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods so far.

Dr Ogden thought now was a good time to find out more about what CBD could do.

“We have a number of people approaching the Goulburn Valley service looking for help with cannabis use,” he said.

A man in glasses smiles, standing in front of a bookshelf.
Professor Edward Ogden is an addiction medicine specialist.(Supplied)

‘People use drugs for a reason’

Dr Ogden said marijuana used to contain about two or three per cent THC, but that had changed.

“The sort of material that’s available now, particularly some of the genetically selected, hydroponically grown material, may have up to 20 or an even greater percentage of THC, so it’s much more potent,” he said.

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