CBD Retailer, Manufacturer Denied Sanctions In Patent Row – Law360

CBD Retailer, Manufacturer Denied Sanctions In Patent Row – Law360

By Sarah Jarvis (March 14, 2022, 7:41 PM EDT) — A Florida federal magistrate judge on Monday denied sanction bids brought by a California-based hemp products merchant and a manufacturer against a Florida company that filed suit over the purported theft of a secret formula for CBD topical cream.

U.S. Magistrate Judge William Matthewman said in an order that Medterra CBD LLC and Rejuvenol Laboratories Inc. didn’t meet their “very high burden” of establishing that Rule 11 sanctions against plaintiff Healthcare Resources Management Group LLC were warranted.

“Although plaintiff was ultimately not successful at the summary judgment stage, on the facts of this case, the court finds that Rejuvenol and Medterra…

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