CBD oils from oHHo can help keep physical, mental strains in check

CBD oils from oHHo can help keep physical, mental strains in check

Companies like oHHo are planting their flag as industry leaders in the growing business, offering natural CBD oils, topicals, edibles and more that balance effectiveness with full transparency.

After centuries in the shadows, cannabis and cannabis-derived products like CBD oil are finally stepping into the spotlight. Though demonized for decades as states and federal agencies tangled over legalities, there’s little question that the age of boutique CBD products crafted to help conquer a host of health and wellness concerns has gone mainstream.

While medical study over the wide ranging effectiveness of CBD oil is still underway, organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have deemed CBD safe and found no associations with any negative health impacts. Of course, centuries of anecdotal use around the world support even loftier claims with CBD users raving about the compound’s ability to help regulate sleep, calm anxieties, soothe body pain and soreness, and more.

With interest in CBD products at a fever pitch, companies like oHHo are planting their flag as industry leaders in the growing business, offering natural CBD oils, topicals, edibles and more that balance effectiveness with full transparency.

Working hand in hand with a finely curated collection of American small farm growers and a team of world class biochemists, oHHo is producing sustainable, high potency CBD and botanicals products that can help bring mind and body back into balance.

Unlike some of their competitors who employ artificial additives, oHHo strives for absolute purity, using only hemp extract and MCT oil in crafting their four full-spectrum CBD tinctures. Each of their four varieties – New York, Oregon, Colorado, and Vermont – hail from farms in those areas, not only helping trace the exact lineage of each oil back to their organic, sustainable sources, but offer a taste of each region’s unique combination of plant, soil, and other environmental factors.

For example, New York offers woody, hoppy, rose and pine tasting notes, while Colorado brings a combination of spicy, floral, pepper and citrus hints.

But while each premium oil stands on its own, all are tailored to offer what CBD oils are known for: a whole body comfort that evens out physical aches and pains, while relaxing the mind and the mental stressors that can often strike.

Within minutes of placing a dropper full under their tongue, users get up to six hours of soothing relief. For physical pain sufferers, oHHo CBD oils can work as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic, with positive results reported from those with chronic back pain, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, and even those living with the effects of cancer.

Meanwhile, CBD oils help balance a user’s mental state at the same time, helping the body cope with a number of conditions from general sleep issues and epilepsy to broader mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, and OCD.

“I’ve had trouble sleeping through the night for the past several years and (Full Spectrum CBD Oil – New York) has really helped me,” oHHo user Lynn reported. “I highly recommend this oil for anyone who needs help getting a good night’s sleep.”

You can feel the effects of CBD oil for yourself by heading to the oHHo website and purchasing your first bottle of oHHo CBD, and save 20% off your order with code NEWATLAS20.

Prices are subject to change

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