CBD Co. Wants Cooley Sanctioned Over Patent Row Tactics – Law360

CBD Co. Wants Cooley Sanctioned Over Patent Row Tactics – Law360

By Sam Reisman (March 15, 2022, 7:43 PM EDT) — CBD company Pure Hemp Collective told the Federal Circuit on Monday that it should still get nearly $300,000 in legal fees from a patent infringement suit and said opposing counsel from law firm Cooley LLP should be sanctioned for conduct during the litigation.

Pure Hemp claimed it had secured an “unequivocal” win against United Cannabis Corp. and was indisputably the prevailing party in the underlying case, and accused Cooley attorneys of keeping the spurious lawsuit alive past the point where it was tenable.

United Cannabis, or UCANN, sued Pure Hemp for infringement on a patent covering a liquid formula for a…

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