CBD Co. Throws In Towel On Bid For Hemp Seized By DOJ – Law360

CBD Co. Throws In Towel On Bid For Hemp Seized By DOJ – Law360

By Katryna Perera (March 24, 2022, 9:16 PM EDT) — Oregon-based hemp firm We CBD LLC told a North Carolina federal judge on Wednesday that it is giving up its fight to reclaim approximately 550 pounds of hemp it says was unlawfully seized by the U.S. Department of Justice since the hemp has likely gone bad.

We CBD filed a stipulation stating it is withdrawing its verified claim against the DOJ. According to the filing, it’s been more than 16 months since the hemp was seized at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina while it was on its way to Zurich, Switzerland.

Hemp has a shelf life, its crop value…

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