Cannabis Co. Nabs Atty Fees In CBD Cream Patent Row – Law360

Cannabis Co. Nabs Atty Fees In CBD Cream Patent Row  – Law360

By Katryna Perera (May 12, 2022, 7:43 PM EDT) — A Florida federal judge granted a motion for attorney fees from NoXeno Health Sciences Inc., stating that the cannabis company was entitled to litigation cost reimbursement since it had won summary judgment and since the plaintiff had repeatedly failed to respond to any of NoXeno’s arguments.

U.S. Magistrate Judge William Matthewman issued his order on Wednesday. NoXeno is one of several defendants named in a suit brought by Healthcare Resources Management Group LLC, which had claimed that NoXeno and others stole its CBD topical cream formula as part of a now-failed joint venture.

Healthcare Resources filed its complaint in September 2020…

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