Why social media fitness challenges do more harm than good

Why social media fitness challenges do more harm than good

Social media glorifies everything, including fitness. Our feeds are full of people sharing their incredible weight loss journeys, enviable gym selfies, and cool snippets from their daily training. But often, their popping muscles are a work of lighting and their perfect handstand is achieved after the sixteenth take. This new fitness culture is aimed to impress. And one of the ways it seeks to do so is through trending fitness challenges, which are usually reels or short videos showcasing a very specific, bizarre skill. Remember the bottle cap, shuffle skipping, and rhythm plank challenges? “These fitness challenges tend to be a little complicated to draw attention in order to trend,” says Avinash Mansukhani, Founder of Fight The Sunrise (FTS Fitness).

Although they’ve been around for longer, fitness challenges really blew up during the lockdown. With no access to gyms and offline personal trainers, people turned to social media for fitspiration. And what better way to break the monotony than with a fun, validating challenge, right? Not necessarily. “Social media fitness challenges come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. While they’re often harmless and usually motivate people to engage in fitness regimes, they can also be dangerous when performed without supervision,” says Pranit Shilimkar, Health and Fitness Entrepreneur, Digital Content Creator, and Founder of Fitnesstalks.

An accident waiting to happen

Online fitness challenges are often built around finding a shortcut to skills that usually take months or even years to master. If you’ve never done inversions before, attempting the handstand T-shirt challenge in the pursuit of a badass IG reel or story is a recipe for disaster. “The general tendency is to follow or copy without adequate research. In such cases, people often ignore their own health requirements and limitations and end up pushing themselves to the point of no return,” explains Shilimkar. He talks about how these challenges can harm you physically and emotionally, pressurizing you to take drastic steps that involve denying yourself proper nutrition, recovery, and other important aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

The risk of injury is very, very real. “While the originator might be well trained in doing a complicated movement, more often than not, the general population isn’t. This can lead to injuries for those who want to copy the trend or take part in the challenge,” argues Mansukhani.

All about the likes

There’s nothing more annoying than someone hogging the deadlift station to record an attempt at lifting a weight that’s clearly too heavy for them. When fitness challenges become the focal point of your workouts, whether you go to a gym or are part of an exercise class, you lose track of your long-term fitness goals. There’s nothing wrong with recording your journey—just don’t let it be overshadowed by the need to generate content.

A word of advice

If you find a trending challenge that excites you and is right up your alley, by all means, whip out your camera and give it a go. Just make sure you’re not risking your health in the process. “Talk to a fitness expert and do your own research before you commit to such challenges,” advises Shilimkar, adding that engaging in these activities can help you stay motivated, but you must analyse the pros and cons before diving in.

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