The annex is needed because Fort Waitwright’s current gym is so overcrowded during the region’s long, dark winter months that it “impairs mission readiness and the quality of life among soldiers, dependents and civilian workers” the military says. The extreme cold in some conditions makes running and other outdoor activities unsafe.
Bettering the quality of life for members of the military at Alaska installations is a top priority for the military — and for good reason. Last year, suicide rates among soldiers stationed in Alaska was at an all-time high with 11 soldiers taking their own lives and another six deaths remaining under investigation. Seven soldiers died by suicide in 2020 and eight in 2019.
The proposed facility would be an annex to the current Physical Fitness Center and include an indoor, elevated, four-lane, 200-meter running track, a multipurpose field, cardio and weight training facilities, locker rooms, control desk, lobby, laundry facilities and elevator.
“Our troops’ presence in Alaska is important for national safety, but at the same time it’s a challenging climate for our troops up there,” Army Gen. James McConville said. “We want to give them the ability to work out and have a physical fitness center that allows them to participate in activities regardless of the weather.”
Sen. Lisa Murkowski was among senators questioning why the annex remained on the unfunded list when the matter came up before the Senate Appropriations Committee recently.
It is a good question given the military is looking to beef up its forces in Alaska and make them Arctic-capable to counter increasing competition from Russia and China in the region, not to mention Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Given all that, it would make good sense to have our Alaska troops in tip-top shape — mentally and physically — and ready to deploy, despite the weather.
Building a $99 million facility to help support an increased emphasis on the Arctic and cold-weather fighting would go a long way toward achieving the success of that mission. The effect on the region’s economy — Fairbanks has an unemployment rate of more than 4% — cannot be understated even if the cost raises an eyebrow. McConville and top Army officials say the price tag reflects its projected size coupled with the costs of construction in Alaska.
From where we sit, the proposed new gym annex would be a win all around even with the cost giving us pause. It would bolster national security, make life easier and better for troops, and give the region an economic shot in the arm.
It should be funded and built but not before a careful examination of the anticipated price tag.