Mini Mathur’s fitness routine is all about ‘balance’: ‘That’s what I’m striving for’

Mini Mathur’s fitness routine is all about ‘balance’: ‘That’s what I’m striving for’

It is important to have balance in life, more so in the current times when people do not pause to take even a moment to themselves while the world around them changes every second.

Mini Mathur, whose Instagram account is peppered with pictures of travel and well-being, recently shared a very important message on the need to have balance in life. She struck a pose while demonstrating the boat pose yoga asana, which is also known as ‘Navasana’, in her workout clothes: a white t-shirt and a pair of green stretchy pants.

Navasana is usually done by stretching the legs in the air and reaching for them with your arms — which are kept parallel — while sustaining the weight and balancing on your haunches. It can strengthen core muscles and also the hips, along with loosening the hamstring muscles and making them more flexible.

The accompanying caption read, “Balance. That’s what I’m striving for. Between being happy in my bubble and sad with the plight of the world. Between being an ambitious professional and a good parent. Between being fit and enjoying the food I love.”

The 46-year-old continued, “Between being a loyal friend and a good spouse. Between being edgy, stylish and comfortable. Between chasing my dreams and being an anchor for those I love. Between stability and flight. Who is feeling the same way?”

The television host could not have chosen a better asana to explain the meaning of balance of the body and also the mind. She highlighted the duality of life, and why it is important to find a middle ground in every occurrence — whether good or bad.

The relatable post also spoke about struggles that Mathur personally goes through every day, just like the rest of us: from juggling professional and parental duties to staying true to your fitness routine while also wanting to enjoy some comfort food, among other things.

It is through balance that one can control their mind and stop it from spiralling, and yoga can help one achieve that.

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