Mass. Law Governs Interest On $5.3M Planet Fitness Verdict – Law360

Mass. Law Governs Interest On .3M Planet Fitness Verdict – Law360

By Mike Curley (May 31, 2022, 6:43 PM EDT) — A Massachusetts appeals court has found that a trial court judge should have applied its state’s laws instead of New Hampshire’s when awarding prejudgment interest on a $5.3 million verdict against Planet Fitness Holdings LLC in a suit by its former chief financial officer.

According to the opinion filed Friday, had the trial court judge applied Massachusetts law as Jayne Conway had requested, prejudgment interest would have been $3.3 million instead of the $729,025 that the trial judge awarded.

The dispute stems from a $500,000 settlement agreement Conway had signed with Planet Fitness in December 2012 to resolve her claims that…

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