CN2 Digital Dashboard – Going Outside for Fitness – Charlotte Avenue YMCA – CN2 News

CN2 Digital Dashboard – Going Outside for Fitness – Charlotte Avenue YMCA – CN2 News

ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – In tonight’s CN2 Digital Dashboard – Simple outdoor exercises most can do – pull ups.

A new, community-wide weightlifting program was created this week at the Charlotte Avenue YMCA when F3 Rock Region teamed up with the Upper Palmetto YMCA to install outdoor pull-up bars.

F3 said they noticed there was no good place nearby where people could do some weight training so they got together with the local Y and donated funds to buy materials. It took about a day or two for them to construct the bars which are now available for anyone who wants to use them.

Digital Dashboard is sponsored by the York County Natural Gas Authority.

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