A non-profit helping kids find their purpose through fitness and motivation challenges

A non-profit helping kids find their purpose through fitness and motivation challenges

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — A local non-profit helping to bring wellness and wisdom to kids in the city.

Kinesthetic Konnections is partnering with the city of Tallahassee’s summer camp program.

Kids will learn the importance of outdoor fitness.

Shayla Smith, Founder of Kinesthetic Konnections, told ABC 27 she started this non-profit to help kids figure out who they are and who they would like to be.

“I didn’t want to see the children have to wait until they become an adult to learn how to love themselves; learn how to be confident. I wanted to be the person that steps in and teaches them how to do it now” said Shayla Smith.

The goal of Kinesthetic Konnesction is to get kids active again leaving the electronics at home.

For more information or to donate to Kinesthetic Konnections, contact Shayla Smith via email at kinesthetickonnections@gmail.com or call (239) 600-0006.

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